Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I certainly hope you can, hence my participation in Learning 2.0. I do like to learn new things and hope I will always be able to keep the old grey matter ticking over.

I think the Learning 2.0 programme is a great idea especially since it adopts a hands on approach to learning. New things always stick with me more if I can learn the practical rather than the theory.

I have some knowledge, or at least heard of, the topics that will be covered in the programme but I have never used them let alone created them.

I find it a little daunting as I am not technology savvy at the best of times, but I sincerely hope that at the end of the activities the terms wiki, Fickr and RSS make sense to me.

Having looked at the examples of blogs I can see a multitude of uses in the library environment for Blogs, particularly for teens. Technology is right up their alley and they are often more comfortable with computers than people so I think it is perfect communication tool for reaching them.

Although I am starting the course late I hope by the end of it, if I haven't bailed, that I know lots of new stuff! So wish me luck, I think I may need it.


pls@slnsw said...

this blog looks great - we hope you enjoy the rest of the course.
Mylee (PLS)

ITnitwit said...

Hi! And weren't we all on one! - a learning curve that is!! I see your blog hasn't grown in two months so I hope you haven't given up. I sign myself Itnitwit accurately but I got a lot out of the course even if a number of the tasks remain beyond me, so persevere and maybe go on to something else if you get stuck on a particular thing. I left RSS feeds until I had done everything else and when I came back to them they fell into place. Good luck from Itnitwit